Sunday, March 23, 2008

Shy Wolf Sanctuary
Join the pack!

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You have now entered the wolf zone. Be prepare to submit.
Fact: A wolf howl can last anywhere from 3 to 11 seconds. Fact: When a wolf becomes separated from his pack, it howls. The other members of his pack respond, giving him a sound to guide him home.
Fact: The gray wolf, red wolf, and the maned wolf are all on the U.S. Endangered Species List.
Fact: Wolves in the wild can live up to 13 years.
Fact: Male wolves are usually larger than the females, and can weigh up to 50 to 100 pounds
Fact: Wolves in the wild mostly feed on large animals, such as deer and moose, but they have been known to sometimes also eat berries and insects. Fact: Wolves generally hunt after sundown.
Fact: A wolf pack can comprise of as many as 30 wolves, or even more!
A wolf is a wild animal that looks like a dog. Wolves are in the same family as pet dogs. Wolves live in remote forests. They hunt in packs and feed on deer, elk, and reindeer.

A wolf is a carnivorous mammal. When hunting, they often howl as a signal to other wolves in their pack. Females have four to six pups each spring. In many areas, the wolves are nearly gone because they were killed by humans. Wolf recovery programs are reintroducing wolves to remote forests. Many people such as ranchers are unhappy about these wolves. They say that the wolves will kill their cattle and sheep. Others see the reintroduction as important in reestablishing a balance in nature.
Shy Wolf Sanctuary Education and Experience ( )
This non-profit center is homes of wolves, wolf dogs, cougars, fennec foxes, sugar gliders, prairies dogs, coyotes and more. Private and educational tours done each morning by appointement. Tours donations. Shy Wolf Sanctuary is a fantastic education facility in Naples, Fl. I`ve worked there as a handler, take photography animals to help with education and as (pr) public relation. Part of the proceeds from all my photography sales go to help Shy Wolf Saanctuary and their education efforts. Claude now worked closely with wolves, he has not just captured how wolves live, how a pack works and what makes a wolf a wolf. But also the personality of inviduals animals.
Pictures for sale
Part of the proceeds from all my photography sales go to help Shy Wolf Sanctuary.Thanks from the Wolves...

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