Part of the proceeds from all my photography sales go to help Shy Wolf Sanctuary.Thanks from the Wolves...
Claude Desrochers live and work in Florida. Claude holding a Certificate in Professional in Photography and Photojournalist and also a Certificate in a Small Business. Claude is member with IFPO and also member a at NAPP (The National Association of Photoshop Professionals). Volunteer as a handler and photographer at the Shy Wolf Sanctuary http://www.shywolfsanctuary.com/ and photographer at Lowry Park Zoo School http://www.lowryparkzoo.com/ and photographer at Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary http://www.seabirdsanctuary.org/ . Without filters or effects Claude photograph Florida with all the beauty that belongs to the State. Claude is a Photographer who explore a wide variety of subject and emotions in the fields of Photography. Selling at the Arts and Crafts shows all year in Florida. You can see pictures of Claude Desrochers at the Website: http://www.desrochersphoto.com/ http://www.desrochersphoto.photoreflect.com/ New blog at http://www.shywolfdog.blogspot.com/ EMAIL: cdesroch701@earthlink.net
Claude Desrochers live and work in Florida. Claude holding a Certificate in Professional in Photography and Photojournalist and also a Certificate in a Small Business. Claude is member with IFPO and also member a at NAPP (The National Association of Photoshop Professionals). Volunteer as a handler and photographer at the Shy Wolf Sanctuary http://www.shywolfsanctuary.com/ and photographer at Lowry Park Zoo School http://www.lowryparkzoo.com/ and photographer at Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary http://www.seabirdsanctuary.org/ . Without filters or effects Claude photograph Florida with all the beauty that belongs to the State. Claude is a Photographer who explore a wide variety of subject and emotions in the fields of Photography. Selling at the Arts and Crafts shows all year in Florida. You can see pictures of Claude Desrochers at the Website: http://www.desrochersphoto.com/ http://www.desrochersphoto.photoreflect.com/ New blog at http://www.shywolfdog.blogspot.com/ EMAIL: cdesroch701@earthlink.net
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